With its broad membership representing manufacturers across the Mountain State, the West Virginia Manufacturers Association (WVMA) has been providing policy, advocacy, and mobilization leadership for manufacturers at the state and federal levels for over 100 years. In addition to providing members with vital access to experts in areas such as environmental protection and workers compensation, the WVMA facilitates crucial relationships within the various manufacturing sectors.
At a meeting of the Southern Manufacturers Consortium in the spring of 2022, discussions arose regarding the WVMA developing a comprehensive online tool connecting manufacturers with a vast available network of providers. The outcome, newly completed and launched, is the impressive online platform, WVMA Connections.
A Model Provides Inspiration
The vision for this Connections platform was inspired by a resource developed by the Virginia Manufacturers Association. WVMA representatives at the Southern spring consortium saw this resource as a model and imagined the success that the WVMA might have with a similar tool: a single, central hub where member manufacturers could easily connect with a wide range of supply chain, service, and support providers.
Enhancing operations for manufacturers is one of the WVMA’s fundamental goals. WVMA Connections offers its members an expansive network of qualified service providers, enhancing operations by effectively streamlining the process manufacturers use to find the most suitable providers for their specific manufacturing needs.
Knowing who could bring this vision to life was key to a successful endeavor. “We brought in Jamie and his team at Bricks Without Straw at the very beginning of the development process,” says Rebecca McPhail, president of the WVMA. “I gave Jamie the basic concept and a template of the Virginia Manufacturers Association model and asked him to recreate it for the WVMA.”
A Smooth Process
Jamie’s long history of developing projects for the WVMA gave McPhail confidence in his ability to quickly design a robust tool for Association members. The process did not require meetings with Jamie to hash out specifics, which were easily conveyed through emails and phone calls. Development hiccups and glitches were few, as McPhail notes, “The tweaks were minimal, mostly stylistic, and they were all addressed before the launch through discussion with Jamie.
“We did experience a few beneficial surprises,” McPhail adds. “We found them while cleaning up the data on our end before sending information on to Jamie.”
A Much-Needed Platform Launches
WVMA Connections launched in October 2023. She emphasizes that this new resource connecting West Virginia’s manufacturers with service providers is still growing. “The platform needs additional marketing to maximize its exposure,” McPhail adds candidly.
McPhail has high praise for Jamie and his work throughout the platform development process. “I enjoy working with Jamie and have for the last 10 years! He is responsive and takes his work very seriously.”