Independent Insurance Agents of West Virginia, also known as IIAWV, is a trade association made up of independent insurance agents throughout the state of West Virginia.
Company Story
Presenting at the IIAWV’s annual meetings since 2015, Jamie Summers-Brown has introduced the group to some of the most invaluable IOS apps for business. Jan Vineyard, CEO, discussed the need for such presentations. “Technology is the way of the world and insurance is probably one of the slowest to get where it needs to get. . .we’ve done things the old way and we’re having to change who our customers are. We have to change how we react.”
Practical, Useful Technology
Why Jamie? “First off, he’s just a heck of a nice guy,” Vineyard offered. “And the fact that he did three short explanations with apps, made it easy to understand, and didn't overwhelm. . .” Traci Nelson, Member Services Coordinator, added, “I always say he can dumb it down to where all of us can understand what he is saying. He is very good at that.”
Ross Johnson, Immediate Past President of the IIAWV, commented, “I’m still using the scanner app he recommended from the prior year. (Another app Jamie recommended), called Documents by Readdle, literally changed the way I do business. . . I have probably bought a dozen iPad Pros and Apple Pencils for other employees, it has been so useful to me.” Scanner apps, business card apps, email apps--Vineyard and Nelson also regularly use and benefit from different products that Jamie shared. “They are much more efficient,” Nelson said.
Giving Clients What They Want
Jamie’s flexibility worked for the group, too. Instead of one long presentation, Vineyard preferred short segments, covering one app at each time. Jamie gladly adjusted his presentations to meet the IIAWV’s wants.
Vineyard explained, “It seems like so many times we end up having a speaker for forty-five minutes to an hour--you really only end up hearing what they have to say at the beginning and the end. . . this way really seems to click and work. It gives you time to focus on that one app and think about it. Even download it if you want. And you can keep up.”
According to Johnson, Jamie is an “above average” conference speaker, whose strengths really complemented the shorter segments. “He had to be concise because of time limitations. Knowing he had to be concise meant he planned his remarks to be fast. . .quick strikes. . .he would give you something tangible, then move on.”
The response to Jamie was overwhelmingly positive.
“People were really very thrilled,” Vineyard said. “It seemed to be something they talked about at the cocktail party. ‘Oh, I used that app this afternoon, it really does work.’” Nelson added, “Everyone we spoke with was very happy with what he talked about.”
After presenting, Jamie’s helpfulness extended to those who needed a little more. “(He) volunteered to meet one on one with any of our people that needed to get themselves where they needed to be. And that was a big hit, that he would volunteer to do that,” Vineyard shared.
Vineyard concluded, “I think he‘s wonderful. I would highly recommend him. And I will recommend him as a speaker for my members.” Nelson agreed, “He always does a great job and I’m sure we’ll have him back again.”