Company Profile
For over 25 years, Ann Green Communications has been solving a vast array of communications challenges for local businesses, high profile global corporations and every size business in-between. Well-known and respected for the value they place on building relationships, Ann Green Communications brings companies, communities, and political forces together to create coalitions built on trust.
A Trusted Connection
Trust is the thread woven throughout Ann Green Communications, and it was trust that spurred them to look to Jamie Summers-Brown at Bricks Without Straw when they needed someone to take over the management of their website. Vonda Matthews, Account Coordinator at Ann Green Communications, notes, “We had previously worked with Jamie on a special one-time project, and he was easy to work with, very capable, dependable, and very professional.” Jamie was the logical choice. Vonda adds, “When we were thinking of who we could work with for our own website, his name came up first.”
Even though Jamie was their first choice, Ann Green Communications still did their homework on him, and were even more impressed with what they found. According to Vonda, “We looked back at some of the websites he’d done for local agencies that we regard highly here. They were all very professional and nicely designed. We clicked links and saw what kind of information was available to customers. That was enough to make us certain that Jamie was the one we wanted to work with long-term.”
An Impressive Transition
For nearly a year now, Jamie and his team at Bricks Without Straw have worked with the staff at Ann Green Communications to optimize their website. This includes fixing various incompatibilities and implementing proper security features and backup processes. “Their work is pretty comprehensive, and it’s all done remotely,” says Bethany Simmons, a senior consultant at Ann Green Communications.
Bethany remembers what Jamie and the Bricks Without Straw team had to deal with when they first began. “Jamie migrated the website from a previous vendor, and there were a whole lot of kinks to work out!” Bethany was impressed. “He really made it a seamless transition, always kept us up to date with progress reports – it was about as painless as it could be.”
Bethany was most impressed with Jamie’s responsiveness. “Jamie’s very communicative, which is a rarity with other contractors. He’s more than happy to pick the phone even when he’s out of the country. Once when I was having some problems, he emailed me from the plane! And he always follows up to make sure we’re pleased.”
Moving Forward with Confidence
For Ann Green Communications, Bricks Without Straw has been a service provider that has always met their needs and exceeded their expectations. In Bethany’s words, “I feel confident enough in Jamie’s work to recommend him to other sources who need web services. Jamie and his team identified all kinds of issues and the potential for hacking from outside groups. Before we reached out to Bricks Without Straw, we were in such a scary place with an unresponsive vendor. When Jamie came on board, I felt like I could breathe again.”