The West Virginia Society of Association Executives represents nearly 100 association management professionals across the state. Through the year, the association offers many educational and networking opportunities to it members, who serve a variety of industries.
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On several occasions, Jamie Summers-Brown has addressed WVSAE groups, discussing technology and websites. Karen Price, current member and former WVSAE president, explains why. “Jamie always brings to this group. . .just a wealth of knowledge about the internet, websites, (and) different apps. . .Not only does he do that, but he can explain it to a group of 30 or 40 people who, for the most part, are older and haven’t had as much experience on the internet. . .He brings it down to everyone’s level. He can explain it; they understand it.”
Many WVSAE members seem to agree with Price. At the 2015 WVSAE Annual Conference, Jamie taught a session entitled, iOS: Hands On in Business. Conference attendees evaluated Summers-Brown’s address to the group, and Diane Slaughter, WVSAE executive director, shared, “Jamie got perfect scores on his presentation.”
Jamie does his homework. He’ll know about your organization and your industry. And then he will come prepared and give you whatever advice you might need and suggestions on different applications and different ways you can manage your organization.”
Sharing Useful Technology
Price stated, “Jamie brought information on 8-10 new apps that he identified for us, that we could use in our organizations. To organize things better. To keep track of our records. It was a fabulous session. Everyone was saying what a great job he had done.”
Traci Nelson, WVSAE president, also walked away with valuable information she could actually use. “I have downloaded several apps that Jamie introduced at our convention and it has been a game changer to be able to access work files on the iPad that I had no way to access before.”
Benefits from a Presentation
Slaughter met Jamie through the WVSAE, and she has found him “easy to talk to and very personable.” She added, “He makes everything fun.” If other organizations were interested in having Jamie address their group, she’d tell them that “he seems to speak at a level everyone can understand.”
Both Price and Nelson have known Jamie for several years, entrusting him with their own associations’ websites and internet needs. (Price was long-time president of the West Virginia Manufacturing Association; Nelson is employed by OMEGA WV). Price highly recommends Jamie to others. “Jamie does his homework. He’ll know about your organization and your industry. And then he will come prepared. . .and give you whatever advice you might need and suggestions on different applications and different ways you can manage your organization.”
Considering him an expert in iPhone technology, Nelson actually hired Jamie in 2015 to address another professional group with which she is associated. “We hired him because he is always ‘in the know’ about all the latest and greatest ‘techie’ things that have to do with the iPad and iPhone, which most everyone uses now.”
She’d tell other groups, “He will make you look great! Jamie explains things in a way that anyone can understand and I’m about as technologically savvy as a 2-year old. He is refreshing in his approach and makes anyone feel like they can use the latest. . .features and apps on their iPad and iPhones, both in their personal and professional lives.”